Monday, February 9, 2009

Where's my Winter Faire Magazine and my Autumn AND Winter Pyrates Way magazines?


It's their cash that pays for the printing and mailing. Without them we can have everything ready to go to press and the magazine comes to a screeching halt. The economy has hit potential advertisers hard but a lot of them don't realize that not-advertising will only make it worse.

Thus, we're still offering a quarter-page, full color ad for only $150 (less than the set up fee of a lot of pirate festivals), with the potential to reach thousands (since our magazine has been picked up by and we're on the shelves right next to our competition who charge hundreds more for the same size ad).

So if you want your issues asap. . . go nag at your buddy the leatherworker or your sister who makes jewelry or the guy at faire that you spend a few hundred with over the faire season.

Have them email me at: or

Thank you all!


  1. Why not consider making these issues E-Mags and post them online? You could still post links for your advertisers who have stayed with you and get your magazine out to subscribers who are waiting. Think of all the money and trees you could save! Print is slowly going dead and newpapers are closing up shop. Dont you think we all have obligations to go more green anyway? Save money as a pyrate and save the environment, seems a logical choice for a responsible publisher!

  2. I disagree about printing going dead. . .heck email was invented so folks wouldn't need to use paper yet everyone prints out their emails!

    There's a tactile response in holding a magazine or a newspaper that you've purchased. It becomes a personal thing as if the information and the paper it's printed on is just for you.

    I really enjoy putting out a printed magazine and should I not be able to, I would stop publishing altogether. The printing industry is a very important part of the American economy and I don't see it ever disappearing.

    Besides, pyrates are rebels and would never be caught going "green." That and the fact that no new trees are being used for paper production anymore. . .they're using the replacement trees planted during the Teddy Roosevelt administration that are grown just to save us from cutting new trees. Paper-destined trees will be planted when those are cut down in a never-ending recycling technique that's gone on for decades!

    Both Faire Magazine and The Pyrates Way magazine will always be on paper. . .or not at all.
